The big issue on my "to do" list had since ever been; getting that d*mn driving license. Somehow it never happened or worked out, but this year I felt like; now I have to go for it and fix this! So; I saved the holiday days, booked myself an intensive driving course on the Swedish countryside, spend a small fortune,... BUT 2 months later I can now finally say; "I GOT MY DRIVING LICENSE!!" Felt slightly surreal that I could finally tick it off from my "to do" list! So now I´m looking forward to my road trip next summer! Iceland, Lapland, Norway, Finn mark,... so much possibilities, so much new found freedom. It´ll still take some time before I´ll for real believe that I actually really DID this now... but either way I really do have to say that -so far- 2011 really is the year when lots of major things have happened!! Such moments make it feel great to be alive, and mostly; it´s great to feel that everything is possible once you decide to go for it and when you believe in your own strength!

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