Monday, November 28, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A great artist is someone who makes you dream, but who´s also skilled, knows craftsmanship and has eye for quality and detail. To me, all those elements are the heart and the soul of a creation. When working with so much passion on something, then the creation takes over part of that energy, this love, that the creator puts into it. I suppose that this is also what feels so special to me with couture pieces -no matter if it´s a haute couture creation or an embroidered folk costume- to actually unconsciously capture those energy vibes... the soul from the creation!

Monday, November 7, 2011
Nowadays -with internet showing everything on the very second something gets presented to the public- it´s sometimes hard to still feel surprised when seeing new trends. But Tokyo manages to keep that element of innovation and fun. A lot of brands also have limited edition collections which are only sold on Japanese market. So yes, I have to agree with everybody else; making a trip to futuristic Tokyo is totally worth its money.
Unless previous seasons, Japanese fashion had turned a little more low key this time around. Tsunami, earthquakes, nuclear problems and bad economy are most probably the main reasons. Meaning; less Harajuku & over the top rock´n roll glam, but way more preppy all American. But for what´s concerned the street styles, I mostly liked those wide traditional Japanese trousers, the slightly seventies inspired flare trousers, the new color settings with light pastels versus bright details, and of course the 5 billion different types of accessories!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011
creating is my oxygen, my life.

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Same-same but different. Even when you think you know something, then it can still totally surprise with mood, colors, light and feeling!
Today Wikipedia learned me "autumn" used to be called harvest (like herfst in Dutch). But, when people moved from country side- to city life, autumn and fall made their introduction. Fall is supposed to come from the Old English fiæll or feallan and the Old Norse fall. Both mean "to fall from a height", and are a contraction of Middle English expressions like "fall of the leaf" and "fall of the year"…
Well anyway; harvest, autumn or fall, each season brings its own story board.. and with the return of dark evenings, a cozy evening at home with "Legends of the fall" -a childhood favorite movie- could actually be fun! Just as a landscape can look totally different, am I also going to watch the movie with a new color now, 16years after I saw it for the first time?
What´s your favorite autumn movie?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
As a child I always loved the excitement of traveling by plane. It´s slightly surreal to stand in an airport and realize that most people around you will -24h later- be at all corners of the world. Back in the days, crossing the Atlantic -with Lufthansa- was always the ultimate delight! We could visit the pilots in the cockpit, we got plenty of toys (small Lufthansa planes, white Porsche toy cars, books,…). It´s not all that hard to imagine that one of my childhood dreams became to always be able to travel. I didn´t end up working in aviation, but traveling continued to be an important part of my life.
My worst souvenir would probably be the one time a pilot announced on the intercom that the breaking system didn´t work. At first I felt a slight panic coming up, especially when the air hostess said to the passengers “no worries, everything´s OK” (meaning; “things are actually NOT OK, but it´s my job to say all is fine!”) …until I came to the conclusion that no matter what; there was either way nothing I could do about it. We flew in circles, and ultimately got derived to Stockholm's main airport, which would “improve our chances to make a more successful landing”. In those minutes you make a recapitulation from your life and the minutes before touching ground there was not a single word being spoken by anyone. Eventually everything went well, and we landed without any major issues. A more detailed explanation was never given.
But besides that trip, a few air turbulence's and a missed plane in Heathrow (due to having gone to the wrong airport… yes), most souvenirs are very nice. During my recent SAS flight from Copenhagen to Tokyo, while flying over Siberia, I saw the amazing Aurora Borealis or Northern Light, and probably something like 15 falling stars in 1hour only! Who needs an on board entertainment system when the best reality tv is just outside that little window?!
What are your worst and best plane souvenirs?