"Vodka Factory" is a Swedish documentary about the daily life of a russian girl who´s trying to pursue her dreams. To earn her money she has to work in the local vodka factory. But her dreams go far beyond; she wants to become an actress and move to Moscow. Yet, having a dream is one thing, turning it into reality another.
If eventually she´ll succeed will be part of the story of her life, but what she already did succeed with was that she learned not to be afraid. She didn´t give up, even when the whole world around her wasn´t particularly in favor of what she wanted to do.
Years ago I made the picture here below. To me it represents the same story and it made me realize; becoming a free person -in all the meanings of the word- is probably the biggest challenge one can ever have! It´s not the big blue sky that is the dream, but what it represents; ultimate freedom!

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