I love making little design diaries. Time and money might be a limitation to create everything in real, but to me those design books are like small stories... Designing is ideas, music, movement, nature, psychology, history, pop culture,... all melting together to one new line on the white paper. While drawing I feel like being in another reality, where those lines are alive... like an actual entity walking around in its own small universe; the bubble I created in my imagination, where -for that one moment in time- everything came together to a small sparkle of ultimate life. It´s the prime moment where sight, sound, movement, surrounding and design had their supreme moment of sublimation... Just like a raindrop making it´s journey through the sky; a small bubble of imperfect perfection, which will live it´s short moment before turning into the life energy for a new creation.
creating is my oxygen, my life.
creating is my oxygen, my life.

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