Sunday, June 3, 2012

a happy winner!

What better way to celebrate the winning contribution than with 2 new pictures (see below) made by a very happy winner to the Model Talk Competition; Jaszmurka! As often with creativity & talents, we maybe all have those moments of doubt, when wondering if it´s really good enough, interesting enough, possible to win something,... yet often it´s just about going for it and believing in your own capacities! My motto is; "don´t try, don´t win", and it´s funny to read that Jaszmurka at first doubted if it would really be a good idea to participate. This world needs positive energy and creativity, and it´s great to see that translated in this international project and the contributions made by all those creative minds! Happy sunday!!

If you want to see more pictures by Jaszmurka, do check out her blog!

Photographer: Jaszmurka
Location: Poland